Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Making Our Desires Happen........

It´s sad to say that over one month has gone by since my last post in my blog, and I´ve sincerely missed making the time to sit down and express my I hope I didn´t get even rustier than I was before!

I´ve been thinking a lot about how I can make this happen, how I can make things change and create the new reality that I so desire. It´s obvious when we focus on those things we want, we kind of stop valuing what we have today, which in turn makes us usually "throw in the towel" before we should.

I mention this situation because when we "through in the towel" before the time is right, we unnecessarily affect our current circumstance in a negative way and this, in turn, creates addition complications for us. Complications that do not help us in any way whatsoever advance in achieving the objective or the change we so want. Why do we fall into this way of doing things???

I´ve come to the conclusion that if I want to change some type of circumstance in my life I should first accept that where I am today is where I most need to be and only if I do what I have to do in my current situation, and sincerely with the best of attitudes, will I ever be able to make things change to what I want them to be.

The truth of the matter, is that I often come back to this conclusion, but oddly, only when I truly put my mind to it and keep this consciousness present, do things really start to change or improve! When I forget about this, I usually end up quite frustrated in the near future.

I ask myself again...........why does this happen? My take on it...........we´re here to learn and surpass our shortcomings.........only when we truly "learn the lesson" is when we will be able to go on the the next step!

How do you make your desires and objectives happen..............?

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